德國WITEG量液管AS級 進口Witeg玻璃吸管5ml 10ml 1ml 2ml
合格認證,主要分環(huán)畢業(yè),以iso -色碼,acc。在iso385上,有琥珀色困難的刻度和銘文。與傳統(tǒng)的pipette遞送技巧相比,緩和的遞送技巧提供的耐磨性高達7倍。5 ml和p的尺寸,在吸力中進行裝棉塞。等待時間5 s
德國WITEG量液管AS級 進口Witeg玻璃吸管5ml 10ml 1ml 2ml
Graduated pipettes, class AS,
conformity certified, main point ring graduation, with ISO-COLOR-CODE,acc. to DIN EN ISO 385, with amber stain DIFFICO-graduations and inscriptions. Tempered delivery tips offering a wear resistance which is up to seven times better than that of conventional pipette delivery tips. Sizes 5 ml and p with construction in the suction to hold cotton plug. Waiting time 5 s
Pipettes graduées en verre borosilicaté, avec code-couleur, graduations et inscriptions en couleur marron. Ecoulement total
5ml 10ml 1ml 2ml
德國WITEG量液管AS級1ml 2ml進口Witeg玻璃吸管5ml 10ml
德國WITEG量液管AS級1ml 2ml進口Witeg玻璃吸管5ml 10ml